The player can get the wood from the trees, gold from the mines, and stones from the mines. The player can get the food from the fish, animals, berries, livestock, and farms and so on. The team or the unit gather the resources like wood, food, stone, and gold. Special training is also given to the units for the construction of the buildings, using technologies, and so on. There are several units that are assigned different tasks such as the civilian units are responsible for gathering the resources.
It restricts some features like the player have to build the building before continuing the game and he has to pay for the stuff like gold, food and so on. It includes the new technologies, places, cops, units, and structures.
It is the second introduction in this series of the game. The Players triumph over rival towns and includes the thirteen civilization from 4 different ages named: the Castle Age, the Dark Age, the Feudal Age, and the Imperial Age. This game is consist of the high buildings, resources, towers, and arm forces, units and enemies cops.